Tag Archives: shopping

75 Days-The Wedding Nazi

28 Mar

We’re getting married in the courtyard of a stunning mansion and having our reception in the ballroom. One of the MAIN reasons I chose this venue was because of picture opportunities.

Aside from actually being able to marry Jeremy, the 2nd most important part of the day for me is the pictures. The lobby of the main mansion is the PERFECT spot for a First Look.

Remember how our lovely venue let us know there would be another wedding on the same day and at the same time as ours?

Well… Apparently that means we are NOT ALLOWED inside the mansion for any pictures. What?

Calmly I suggested letting the other bride take pictures out in the courtyard while we took pictures inside for 15 minutes so we could both take advantage of all the lovely areas on the venue’s grounds. What response did I receive?

*Plastered fake smile* “Well, we wouldn’t want our other bride interrupting your day in any way, and we would expect the same courtesy from you.”

“I completely understand, the last thing I would want would be to ruin her day, I simply would like to schedule a time around 8:30am to take a few shots indoors, as this was one of my main reasons for choosing the mansion.”

“Right, right, of course.” *dramatic pause with fake smile* “As I said, we wouldn’t want your day interrupted and we expect the same of you. Everyone would be setting up at that time and we wouldn’t want you in the way. I can certainly talk to the other bride’s coordinator and see.”

30 minutes later

“I’ve spoken to the other coordinator and she doesn’t know her bride’s schedule so you can take pictures outdoors from 8:30-9:30am and if just maybe there is a small moment of time where there isn’t traffic indoors and I can’t see the whites of the other bride’s eyes, I’ll snag you so you can go inside for one minute to take a picture and run out. Okay?” *fake smile* “I think this is a wonderful compromise.”

WHAT? WHAT? Did you hear what you just said, woman? At this point I’m so disappointed and sad that I’m not going to argue with her. I may have almost cried.

I’m not picky about a lot of wedding details, but pictures are a HUGE deal for me. We’ll see how this goes, cross your fingers! I’ll keep you updated.

Despite this disappointment, the weekend was quite fun: Jeremy and I had great time with my family, planned our wedding shower with some wonderful women, registered for more kitchen essentials at Macy’s, did a little shopping and Jeremy bought me a yellow purse! Gasp

For those of you who know me at all, I HATE yellow. It’s pretty on flowers, babies, and other people, but NOT on me. When yellow gets anywhere near my face some crazy metamorphosis happens and I immediately turn into one of the following:

Needless to say, this is not the most attractive look for anyone.

Sadly, Jeremy loves yellow. So, as a compromise he has attempted to squeeze yellow items into my wardrobe and now my accessories. Amazingly, I LOVE the purse and it’s no where near my face, so all is well! 🙂

Plus, it’s from Fossil and we LOVE fossil. We also got our groomsmen gifts there, but I won’t go into too much detail in case any of them happen upon the blog. 

Have a great day and watch out for the wedding Nazis!!!

Day 89-Wedding Ready and Workout Routines

14 Mar

Less than 90 days!!! YAY!  This countdown may cause me to burst into moments of hysteria periodically as I become aware of how quickly our wedding day approaches.  In fact, I dreamed that we were married last night but instead of driving to the airport for our cruise, Jeremy wanted to stay and hang out at my parent’s house…. Awkward.

Anyhoo!  If you’ve been keeping up with the blog I have been faithfully devoted to P90X in the hopes of having a rockin’ bod come Honeymoon time. My college roommate came to town for the weekend so I needed to fit in my workout Friday because I knew we wouldn’t be running on Saturday, instead we got pedicures and went shopping.  Please don’t judge me and assume I’m some uppity city-girl with a complete disregard for budgeting; this is only the 3rd pedicure I’ve had done in my entire life and I didn’t even buy anything when we went shopping!  Plus, I have a pretty intense budget that the pedicures were factored into! 🙂 Also, we shopped at the mildly-sketchy, pot-scented, ultra-cheap, Entertainmart.  It’s fantastic! They have thousands of ultra-low priced movies!  As I was looking at various workout videos I found this:


BAHAHAHAHA!  I just can’t express to you how grossed I get when I see guys that are anywhere near this buff.  It’s a little bit nauseating to be entirely honest.  Don’t get my wrong, I love that Jeremy is SO much stronger than me and I love that the man is muscular, but I also like that he has a neck, can touch his elbows together, and doesn’t walk around like an ape. Even the main guy on P90X is a little much for me. 

Back to my workout routine:  Friday I had planned to do Cardio X but it was a BEAUTIFUL day and I haven’t been running in ages.  Through college I had developed a pretty consistent running schedule and worked my way up to about 6 miles.  I know that’s not a ton, but it was an accomplishment for me.  Towards the end of last year my sister and I had decided we were going to train for a ½ Marathon in January.  But I was just not feeling well and in November I was sick of being tired and weak all the time so I finally went to the Doctor. After over a thousand dollars in lab work and a small cancer scare, I discovered that I was in the end stages of Mono and the Dr. could do nothing to help.  So glad I paid you for this.  His advice, “Sleep and stop running your body can’t handle it.”

I’m sorry, WHAT

 So, I haven’t been running since November.  Friday that all changed, I figured I’d do a 30 minute run.  My neighborhood isn’t unsafe but it’s also not free of crime, so armed with my cell and some pepper spray, I set off!

DANG!  30 minutes is a LOT when you haven’t run in almost 5 months!!!   Truly, I probably only ran 25 minutes because I stopped at one of those outdoor-workout-station-things that my townhouse managers conveniently hid at the very back of one of the units.  I have to say, I felt SO much better after that run than I typically do after a P90X video.  There is something oddly gratifying about post-workout soreness. 🙂 Aside from one sketchy guy, a ridiculous teenager who shouted out his window (I’m sure hoping that I would hear his absurd remarks, then turn adoringly and notice his attempt at a beard, eco-friendly car, hear his “indie” music, and fall in love), and a paper hand with the name “Timothy” on the back, it was a pretty safe and uneventful run.

Conclusion, no exercise beats a good run.  Unfortunately, it’s now dark in the mornings (thank you time change) so I guess I’ll have to keep up with my P90X. 🙂  Honeymoon body, here I come!