Tag Archives: engaged

96-Am I becoming one of them?

7 Mar

Wow, have I actually become “One of them”?  By them I mean those hopeful brides sans an engagement ring, brides with a rock, and married women who flock to Theknot.com to learn etiquette, popular traditions, and offer seasoned advice.  Those women who anxiously sit in front of the computer waiting for answers to their message board posts and obsessively answer the questions of other worried brides. Those women who couldn’t get enough girly updates to their email before marriage that they had to  begin the same compulsive searching, asking, and answering on The Nest and The Bump.

There you have it the Webster’s Dictionary For Brides approved definition of: Them. 

I’m really embarrassed about this… but I feel that it’s important to admit I am becoming one of them!!!!!

I began to become concerned when I made a post on TheKnot community boards hoping to gather wisdom from those brides who are maybe a bit more concerned with etiqutte than I am.

See, I’m not that girl who had her wedding planned from age 8.  I don’t care what my bridesmaid’s shoes look like and I still don’t know what to do with my hair.

In fact most of the decisions I’ve made have resulted from long conversations similar to this:

Erica: So Baby, what should we do for wedding colors?

Jeremy: Yellow and Grey?

Erica: EEWWW!  No, I hate yellow!  What about teal and purple?

Jeremy: Uh, no. I really don’t like that. Yellow and blue?

Erica: Please, not yellow.  What about purple and light green?

Jeremy: You know, I like that.

Erica: Really?

Jeremy: No, nevermind. I hate it.

Erica: Huh? What??

*Cue laughter*

This back and forth banter continued for at least an hour. This is how Jeremy and I wedding plan.

Needless to say, I felt the advice of someone a bit more detail oriented and Wedding OCD could help me decide whether or not to purchase a wedding band. 

So I posted the above question and ninety people replied to the quiz.  I thought maybe, MAYBE, I’d get lucky with four or five responses.  HOLY COW!  Some of these women have made 15844 posts. WHAT? What do you do with your time? 

Here I stand judging and must check myself…

  1. I get super excited when an email notifies me that someone else has replied to my post
  2. I willingly joined the Knot community
  3. I am actually listening to these stranger’s advice
  4. I have a Wedding Countdown blog
  5. I may or may not have joined the knot in January of 2009… A YEAR before I was actually engaged

So now you know my deep dark secrets. I may not be one of them yet, but if there were twelve steps to becoming one of those women, I’m sure I’d at least be on the third step.